Colonial American History – Paper Overview
Colonial American History Paper is a part of your HISA 110A Course.
Using as your sources Charles Davenant’s Discourse on the Plantation Trade and Benjamin Harrison III’s Essay upon the Government of the English Plantations, write a 7-9 page paper (in 12 pt., double-spaced font) on the following topic:
Compare metropolitan and colonial visions of the English American Empire in the late seventeenth century.
Colonial American History – Guidelines
While writing your paper, you should follow the general guidelines for History Paper writing:
- In citing your sources, please use footnotes in Chicago style.
[Benjamin Harrison III], An Essay upon the Government of the English Plantations on the Continent of America, ed. Louis B. Wright (San Marino, Ca., 1945), 48.Charles Davenant, “Discourse on the Plantation Trade,” in The Political and Commercial Works of that Celebrated Writer Charles D’avenant (London, 1771), 26.
- After the first full citation of a given source, you may use a shortened version.
[Harrison], Essay upon the Government, ed. Wright, 12.To activate the footnote function, use Insert Footnote on your word processor.
- Please don’t use sources from outside class. You are welcome to supplement your analysis of the documents with other assigned readings from class that you consider helpful or relevant.
- Avoid long block quotations. Instead, quote only the words, phrases, or (if they are not too long or convoluted to modern ears) sentences that make the particular point you want to make. If you quote only a word or phrase, incorporate it into your own sentence as smoothly as you can.
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