Community Report: Purpose
The purpose of this Community Report assignment is familiarize yourself with one of the many non-profit social service agencies in your community. This agency may be one that you are familiar with (you may have even used this agency), or you may want to do a little exploration and discover an agency you knew nothing about. As with all of the assignments, first make contact with the group you want to report on. Set up time and day and be sure to keep your appointment. It is best to talk to the Director, but because his or her time may be valuable, you may talk to someone “in the know”. Be sure to bring back a brochure (if you can) to share with others. And as always, be thorough.
Community Report: Questions
You will be answering the following questions / providing the following information:
- Name of Agency.
- Type of care/outreach
- Primary mission
- Address, phone number.
- Director’s name
- How long has the Agency been in operation?
- Is there more than one branch of the Agency, if so where.
- How and why was it started?
- Does the Agency communicate/network with other Agencies, if so who.
- How is the Agency funded?
- Does the Agency have any religious/philosophical affiliations?
- What can a client expect when they first arrive at the Agency?
- How long are the clients usually affiliated with the Agency?
- What is the future of the Agency, any expansion/risks of closure?
Now that you have investigated this Agency what are your opinions of it. Do you know someone who has or may benefit from this service? What impressed you most/least, etc? Remember to be thorough in this section especially.
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