Democratic Theory Essay Overview
This Democratic Theory Essay is the Term Paper Assignment for Political Science 10 Course. Write an approximately six page paper, that evaluates the questions listed below.
In writing, you should begin with an introduction that states your thesis and two or three main arguments or reasons supporting your overall thesis. Each argument should then have a section of the paper in which you provide evidence from the readings and lecture material necessary to support that particular reason (or argument). Your conclusion will then bring these arguments back together by summarizing how they combine to provide support for your thesis. In writing your paper, you should make clear that you understand the concepts of majority tyranny, and Madison’s theoretical solution to it, as well as the logic behind Frymer’s theory of electoral capture. You may wish to begin by summarize the authors arguments in a paragraph that immediately follows the introduction.
Grades will be based on the knowledge of key concepts, the originality and thoughtfulness of the arguments, and the mechanics (e.g., spelling, grammar, organization, and clarity of the writing).
Democratic Theory Essay Questions
- To what extent do African Americans suffer from Tyranny of the Majority because of electoral capture?
- To what extent and in which ways is Madison’s solution of extending the sphere effective in helping to ensure the protection and extension of the basic democratic values described above for African Americans in the contemporary United States?
- Does Madison’s solution diminish the problem of capture, or does Electoral Capture undermine Madison’s explanation for how minorities can check majorities in the American system?
To answer these questions you do not need to do outside research.
Democratic Theory Essay Readings
- In A Preface to Democratic Theory, Robert Dahl seeks to develop, refine, and examine the theory of Madisonian Democracy and the rationale for it provided in the Federalist papers. According to Dahl, and based on the Federalist papers and records from the Convention, perhaps the central goal of Madisonian Democracy is the attempt to balance the competing power of majorities and minorities and to prevent Tyranny of the Majority. In doing so, Dahl argues (in Chapter 2) that democracies aspire to provide liberty, equality, and popular sovereignty, to the citizenry.
- In Uneasy Alliances, Paul Frymer argues that Blacks are politically captured in the American system, and as a consequence, often left without a meaningful voice. The implication is that they are unable to enjoy the central goals of democratic citizenship since the fundamental values on which it is based are regularly violated.
Democratic Theory Essay Sources
- Bishin, Benjamin G. 2009. Tyranny of the Minority. Philadelphia: Temple University Press;
- Dahl, Robert. 1953. A Preface to Democratic Theory. New Haven: Yale University Press;
- Frymer, Paul. 2010. Uneasy Alliances. New Jersey: Princeton University Press;
- Dahl, Robert A. 2003. How Democratic is the American Constitution? New Haven: Yale University Press.
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