This order is a transcript for an academic presentation regarding Food and Beverage Development. Please go through all the requests below carefully.
Recommended Topics
- Anti-aging Food and Beverage
- Sustainable Food
Please choose one topic from above recommended topics. It is up to you, choose the one that you are good at, and interested in. The topic should relate to the food and beverage development.
General Requirements
Make sure that this is an academic piece of work. Therefore, back up all your claims with evidence.
In general, the students will critically analyse and reflect on the inherent issues. These are the issues that have influenced development trends, understanding and perception of food and beverages within a contemporary hospitality industry. They will make reasoned and referenced predictions of future trends. They should also give recommendations to a sector of the F&B industry.
Specific Requirements
Your presentation should focus on your chosen topic and give a complete overview of that area of study in the current situation, normally applying this to a country or region (e.g.: China) and giving examples to support.
Discuss academic theories to explain this area of F&B. For example, these can be the different market segments (age, generations, class gender etc), reasons for consumption (prestige, identity, conspicuous consumption status), and so using theory to analyse and explain the current situation.
Then, either following this or preceding this explain, using facts, figures and references, the past developments that have led to this contemporary situation. These issues can include anthropology, sociological changes, increased income, working mothers increased car ownership, smaller family size, increased obesity, greater use of technology, social media etc.
Finally, using valid sources make some predictions as to what is going to happen in this F&B area in future years. These could be the predictions of experts or your own based on referenced factors. Is it going to increase or decrease in importance? On what factors does this sector depend? (e.g. does it depend on what happens to income in this country?)
Generally, not all of your presentation needs to discuss the F&B industry or outlets directly. However, there needs to be an important section that explains the effect these influences and trends are having on F&B outlets.
How to Get a High Mark
- Use many and varied references from reliable sources.
- Back up all claims with good evidence and statistics
- Go into depth in some of the academic areas explaining who or why
- Give different viewpoints of a situation or use one theory to criticize another
- Have a structured logical flow of the presentation that comprehensively discusses the current situation the past factors and makes rational justified predictions.
Source: AEssay Team (based on customers’ requests)
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