How to write an excellent introduction quickly? That is the question I often ask myself when writing an emergency essay. Here is my own 5-Step Strategy How to Write an Impressive Essay Introduction (c) with minimum efforts spent.
Step 1
Choose the main word from the title. For example, if the paper is called “Why is Autism on the Rise?”, autism is the right word to choose.
Step 2
Find the best definition for this word and reference it properly. This will be the first sentence of your academic essay writing. For instance, “Autism, which belongs to autism spectrum disorders (ASD), refers to a brain development disorder characterized by impaired social interaction and communication, and by restricted and repetitive behavior (Amaral et al, 2008).”
Step 3
Compose a general-information sentence (or two) on the issue, which expresses the logical background of your task. For example, it is clear from the title that autism is on the rise and it is a problem. So, I write: “Ten or twenty years ago autism was rarely mentioned. Today, everyone seems to be or know someone with an autistic child: Autism rate has risen dramatically.”
Step 4
Decide upon your opinion on the issue, and so clearly formulate your thesis statement. For example, “Only finding fact-based answers to the questions can help parents find a critical path to help, treatment, and recovery of their children.”
Step 5
Finally, if necessary, link Step 2 and Step 3, and Step 3 and Step 4 by adding logical linking sentences in-between.
My impressive introduction is ready! Using the 5-Step Strategy How to Write an Impressive Introduction (c) I got the following essay introduction: “Autism, which belongs to autism spectrum disorders (ASD), refers to a brain development disorder characterized by impaired social interaction and communication, and by restricted and repetitive behavior (Amaral et al, 2008). These signs all begin before a child is three years old, and are first noticed by his/her parents. Ten or twenty years ago autism was rarely mentioned. Today, everyone seems to be or know someone with an autistic child: Autism rate has risen dramatically. The research investigates epidemiology, etiology, diagnosis, prognosis and treatments of autism and aims at explaining autism rate increase. Only finding fact-based answers to the questions can help parents find a critical path to help, treatment, and recovery of their children.”
Source: AEssay Team
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