EFQM Concepts of Excellence: The UAE Healthcare
This research report shall dwell on a perspective on United Arab Emirates small and medium-sized enterprises management utilizing the European Foundation for Quality Management concepts of excellence.
The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has the highest percentage increase in the numbers of new business start-ups of 54 countries who participated in the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor [Report on Entrepreneurship in the UAE. (2009). Retrieved January 2012, from http://www.gemconsortium.org] Report. Both in recognizing the growing importance of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to the UAE, and in seeking to embed business excellence, this paper explores the management approaches utilized in 50 joint national/expatriate-managed SMEs. The SMEs, are assessed and scored against the eight concepts of excellence which underpin the European Foundation for Quality Management Excellence Model, in order to establish the focus and extent of existing management practices. With the current UAE Government policy on the issue of trade licenses effectively enhancing entrepreneurial opportunities for Emirate nationals, this research has found a
considerable variability of management approaches. The work has highlighted what appears in several instances as an inconsistency in business planning and direction within the UAE SME.
Source: Rhys Rowland-Jones. School of Management and Languages, Heriot Watt University, Dubai International Academic City, P.O. Box 294345, Dubai, UAE
Research topic
Research idea | EFQM concept of excellence |
Research question |
“How the EFQM concepts of excellence can improve managers’ skills in Abu Dhabi health sector” NOTE: You can contrast your topic with an interesting article available on EBSCO titled: |
Research aim | The aim of this research is to assess how the EFQM concepts of excellence can improve managers’ skills in Abu Dhabi health sector. |
Explain how your research is related to the UAE context | “One of the UAE visions in 2021 is to have a world-class healthcare system”. Many processes and innovative changes in the work environment of healthcare require highly skilled developed senior management to make the healthcare system in the UAE a world-class system. |
Explain how your topic is related to the quality and/or business excellence | Two of the EFQM excellence principles are: “1. Continuous learning, innovation, and improvement. 2. People development and involvement.” |
Report Structure
- Cover Page: showing ADSM logo, program details (Program title, course code, the course title, and intake), assessment type, assessment title (different from the research question), student name, student id, and submission date. Page number must start on the first page of your report (and not your cover page or contents). Please use the cover page that you can access from your ADSM account made now available under course RES 8111.
- Title: Your title has to be different from your research question.
- Abstract: This section must include the idea, question, aims, method, and brief about results.
- Keywords: Please do not confuse between subject areas and keywords that have to be aligned with the UAE context.
- Introduction:
You must start by analyzing your interest when you initially thought about this topic (existing challenge or innovative idea) and how you have reached the final version of your research question. You will have to demonstrate that your topic is feasible and worthwhile.
After writing your research objectives (that will be mapped later with your results/ findings and conclusion), you have to define key concepts that you will better locate your topic in theory, introduce your research question.
At this level, you may start applying the “research onion” especially how you have decided your research assumptions, philosophy and your approach to theory development.
As per the research process, you will have to specify which review type and critic approach you have decided to use and apply in your individual report.
The depth of knowledge, terminology, concepts, theoretical debate are key elements in this section.
You will have to use ranked academic journals, textbooks and resources specific to the UAE when available to show your rational thinking. Do not forget to include in appendix section screenshots about results from ADSM e-library.
- Research Methodology and Strategy: This section includes methodological choice and research strategy. You will justify how the selected method, type of collected data (secondary vs. primary), calculation of sample size, and analysis tool (to be linked with the excel file) are suitable to the topic.
- Data analysis and results: This section must include main tables, figures, and results from your data analysis tool (for example regression, K.S. Test, etc.) and how you link results to accept or reject hypotheses.
- Discussion: This section must explicitly give evidence relating results to your idea.
- Recommendation: Your recommendations to organizations, institutions, industries in the UAE context are essential.
- Conclusion: You have to give an answer to your research question and open your topic to further research efforts in the future.
- Appendices: It is recommended to include research onion, research process, Gantt chart, results from excel or data analysis software, screenshots from EBSCO.
- References: Please write a few words on the style that you have decided when writing your references (Harvard or APA)

Source: © Mark Saunders, Philip Lewis and Adrian Thornhill 2006.
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