In Paper #3 under the title Interventions Essay you will identify interventions that have been shown to reduce exposure to the risk factors you identified for the health condition you wrote about in Paper #2 at 3 levels of the Social Ecological Model.
The Assignment
You are to write a 2- to 3-page Interventions Essay that describes 3 interventions to reduce exposure to risk factors for the health condition you wrote about in Paper #2. Identify and describe an intervention for just 1 risk factor at each of the following 3 levels of the Social Ecological Model: organizations, community environment, and society/policy. In your Interventions Essay, you must explain how these interventions act to reduce exposure to the risk factors you identified.
The Subheadings to Organize the Paper
To begin with, briefly discuss the burden to public health of the health condition you chose and explain why it is significant to public health. Generally, you may write about the United States or another country in your Interventions Essay.
- What is the incidence and prevalence of the condition? (1-2 sentences)
- Specify the country in which you propose to investigate interventions. Why have you chosen this country (see points c and d below to support your choice)? (2-3 sentences)
- Who is most affected by this condition (for example, age or race and ethnic, or socioeconomic status or nationally)? (2-3 sentences)
- Be sure to cite the sources of all information you present. The citation should follow every fact that you present (not just a citation at the end of the paragraph). Therefore, see information on potential sources for your paper below.
Risk Factors
Identify 1 risk factor you identified in Paper #2 for each of the following levels of the Social Ecological Model: organizations, community environment, and society/public policy. Explain how each risk factor you chose contributes to the health condition you wrote about and why you chose to focus on it.
For each of the 3 risk factors you selected (1 at each of the 3 levels of the Social Ecological Model), find and describe 1 intervention designed to address the relevant risk factor. You should describe interventions that have been proposed or tried in the “real-world.” As such, you should ensure that you have credible sources that describe relevant interventions that you can present and cite.
You should explain the following:
- What is the goal of the intervention?
- What specific actions does the intervention include?
- Who implemented or will implement the intervention?
- Who was or will be targeted?
- How was or will the intervention be evaluated? That is, what changes would you expect to see if the intervention met or meets its goals?
- What are the strengths and weaknesses of the intervention?
For each intervention, you should present research from credible sources (e.g. journal articles, reports from federal agencies that support the proposed intervention approach. Therefore, please do not cite Websites or news articles.
- What recommendations would you make about how we can reduce the prevalence of this health condition? Based on what you have learned, what action or actions would you like public health practitioners to take?
- How has your perspective on this topic changed? In responding to this question, please think about how using the Social Ecological Model has influenced your perceptions.
Include a reference list that identifies all articles and sources cited in the text of your paper. These sources should be cited in the text and included in a reference section: both are required.
You must use the style guide of the American Psychological Association (APA) for in-text citations and references. Guidelines are available through Owl Purdue. The writing center also provides workshops and consultation on citation format. If in doubt, ask!
You are responsible for ensuring that we receive your paper on time. Therefore, if you cannot upload your paper, email it to the teaching team before the deadline.
2-3 pages, double-spaced, 1-inch margins all around, Times New Roman 12-point font, indent the first line of each paragraph, do not put a blank line between paragraphs, and include page numbers in the top right-hand corner of your paper. Therefore, please use the spelling and grammar features of your word processing software.
In general, do not include a title page. Instead, place a heading at the top left-hand side of the first page of your paper (see example below). This heading is single-spaced. Give your paper a title, centered, above the text of your paper.
Identification of Credible Sources
For the Interventions Essay, use only credible sources. Thus, Wikipedia and newspaper and popular magazine articles are not considered credible sources of information. However, sources such as peer-reviewed research articles listed in a Wikipedia entry or reported in a newspaper article may be valuable sources. Thus, you should look up the original source to use in writing your paper and cite it.
Overall, credible sources of information in public health include government reports, peer-reviewed journal articles and books, and reports and papers published by or posted on the websites of reputable health-related organizations such as the Kaiser Family Foundation or Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Therefore, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is one of the most comprehensive sources of reliable information on health conditions and risk factors. Do not cite Websites.
All in all, if you have a question about whether a source you have found is reliable, please ask a reference librarian or a member of the teaching team.
Source: AEssay Team (based on customers’ requests)
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