Case Study
In this assignment, you will have to read the Performance Management Case Study and answer the questions given below.
The president has called a meeting to get your feedback on Jack, a department manager. Jack is what some people call “from the old school” of management. He is gruff, bossy, and often shows an “it’s my way or the highway’ attitude. Jack is about five years from retirement.
Jack has a high turnover rate in his department. There have been several complaints on company surveys about him from his department and from outside his department. People have commented on the fact that Jack is “rude” during meetings and doesn’t let others contribute. There are times when he has belittled people in meetings and in the hallway. He also talks about his staff “critically” or “negatively” to other managers.
But Jack also is a brilliantly talented person who adds a vast amount of needed knowledge and experience to the company. He is extremely dedicated to the company and lets people know this by his arrival each day at 6:30 a.m. and his departure at 6:00 p.m. He has been with the company for 32 years and he reports directly to the president.
Jack has gone to the HR department and complained that the people his supervisors hire are not a good fit for the company. The new employees don’t listen and they have a poor work ethic. Jack feels that HR should do a better job screening people.
Case Study Questions
- Description of the facts in this case in order of priority
- What are the problems that management is facing?
- What are the probable underlying root causes to these problems?
- Based on your reading, class lecture and discussion and your own research – what recommendations do you have to solve the problems?
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