Follow the next steps while planning your persuasive essay:
A) Planning the rhetorical situation:
1. Identification of the commodity
- What is the significance of this commodity?
- What is the information you want the readers to learn about this commodity?
- What is the impact of this commodity on the environment and/or society?
2. Identification of the audience
- Whom do you want to persuade?
- Why do you want to address this group in particular?
- Consider the age, gender, language, culture, religion, level of education, economic class, geographic location, and/or other circumstances of your audience.
- Is this audience hostile, sympathetic and/or neutral to your message? Why?
- If your audience is the consumer of this commodity, what cultural factors or belief systems are fueling their demand for the commodity?
- Are there any cultural sensitivities you should consider?
- How much does your audience already know about the commodity?
3. Purpose
- What is your argument and position?
- What is the message you want to convey to this audience?
- Why do you wish to convey this message? What do you hope will be achieved?
4. Strategy
- How do you plan to affect your audience emotionally?
- How do you plan to appeal to your audience’s sense of logic?
- Do you plan to use ethos? How?
5. Research
- List of academic sources that will inform your argument
- For the conferences with your instructor, bring the articles/books that you have read with highlighted sections you find relevant
- Annotations that will be incorporated
- List of references in APA style
B) Outlining the persuasive essay:
Introduction: Identifying and stating the argument
- Clear statement of the topic and the argument
- Clear statement of the position taken (thesis statement)
- Definition and background information about the topic
Body: Description of supporting ideas, details and examples
- Identify the supporting ideas
- Cited evidence from the researched material
- Examples for the supporting ideas (with in-text citations)
Conclusion: Wrapping up the position taken
- Restatement of the thesis (paraphrased)
- Summarizing the supporting ideas in the body of your essay
- Suggestions for action (leaving the reader with an impression through a prediction, a warning, a strong quote, and/or a rhetorical question)
Examples of persuasive essay topics:
- Weapons as a commodity
- Gold as a commodity
- Painkillers prescription drugs as a commodity
- Is it worth investing in chocolate? (Chocolate as a commodity)
- Disposable plastic as a commodity
- Should one invest into ivory trade? (Ivory as a commodity)
- Coal as a commodity
- Sugar as a commodity
- Women as commodities
- Mink fur production (Mink as commodity)
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