It is impossible to graduate from college and/or university without having learned to write essays. So, what are the benefits a student gets from essay writing and why we are taught how to write them?
Advantages of essay writing are numerous. First of all, it is about an ability to express own ideas in a logically following, structural and persuasive way. When you practice building a logical essay structure, you also help yourself making more logical decisions in your life. So, writing can be a pleasure, which develops your personality. Secondly, essays help us understand our personal opinion on the matter of discussion. When writing an analytical or comparison-and-contrast essay, for instance, you can’t help discovering a dozen of different opinions on the matter and analyzing them to build your own one. This skill will be of great help in oral discussions, during interviews and even conducting a speech as well as in your ordinary daily communication. In other words, essay writing helps one develop critical thinking which is an important ability which helps to be successful further in life.
Another bonus from regular writing exercises is discovering more knowledge during research. This is because essays usually require information search and train ability of speed-reading and quickly finding the main idea of the material. Exercising to read much means finding the right balance between pace and comprehension. So, writing helps to be more efficient in information management.
Yet, essay writing has also cons. Disadvantages of writing are time consumption, regularity required to improve your writing skills, boring nature if writing on certain topics, necessity to search through much material, and the need to read it all. Of course, you can skip reading much and use sources like Wikipedia. However, such paper will most probably be graded very low.
Source: AEssay Team
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