Analytical essay refers to an essay presenting factual information and aims at explaining a particular object (e.g. event, topic and/or literary work, person, etc.). Analytical essay takes an argument and states why you feel the way you do about the object. Its purpose is to thoroughly analyze the chosen item or give your response to the reading.
Start your analytical essay with a summary of the original material (presentation of a person, an event, etc.) and a brief description of its main value. Then, claim about the object (it is your thesis statement) and give structured evidence for the argument. Finish your paper with restating your claim but leaving space for more discussion.
The steps of preparing to write an analytical essay are:
- To write down all ideas coming to your mind. This will help to structure the evidence gathered later and help you formulate your thesis statement.
- To collect the information that is central to the argument given and to determine the strengths and weaknesses of the material. The evidence and assumptions will be then used to support the provided analysis.
- To take the object apart in order to examine each of its components closely. This means the object should be broken down into smaller pieces, i.e. categories of one’s life, parts of a book, etc.
- To examine each of the components within its historical context (e.g. analysis of a painting might include discussion of how its style impacted the art world of the time and the contemporary art).
- To discuss the message the object is trying to convey.
- To develop your thesis using the above steps.
When writing Your analytical essay, try to make the paragraphs impressive, effective and well-structured to support the main ideas of the analysis being presented.
Source: AEssay Team
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