Event Evaluation Assignment – Outline
For your Event Evaluation Assignment assessment, you are required to attend an event or festival during the Fall Semester that is taking place locally. You have to write an evaluative, detailed review of the event experience, including pictures and/or video.
The quality of your assignment will be based on your:
- Pre-event background research
- Your observations and experience/s at the event
- Your ability to use the information to produce a coherent, interesting, evaluative review.
You should consider the following:
- Promotion – how was the event/festival promoted?
- Range of media: promotional mix, advertising etc. (radio, television, newspapers, magazines, internet, social media, outdoor advertising…).
- Time scale: when did the promotion (promotional mix) take place.
- Sense of Place
- Choice of venue
- Ambience (atmosphere, the feel of the place, setting, environment – quality of place setting, mood, the vibes, the ‘tone’ or ‘air’ of the place).
- Service facilities (hospitality/catering, appearances, interactions with staff).
- Entertainment value
- Visitor Experience
- Access and visitor flow
- Signage (any kind of visual graphics created to display information to a particular audience).
- Audiovisual and special effects
- Value for money
- Marketing and promotion collateral (match between promotion/advertising and delivery).
- Pine and Gilmores (1998) Experience Parameters:
- How is the experience themed?
- How does it harmonize impressions with positive cues?
- How does it ensure the integrity of the customer experience through eliminating negative cues?
- Is there a mix of memorabilia?
- How does it engage all five senses? (Which ones and how?)
- Is the experience completely scripted?
- Does it lead to repeat visitation?
Event Evaluation – Guidelines
The following assessment guidelines will be applied:
- The level of evidence of research and investigation demonstrated and range of information sources used. Note:
- provide all links and information (including newspaper articles, magazines, brochures etc.);
- plus draw on academic references including textbook/s, journal articles, and professional websites;
- сorrect academic listing of references (APA).
- The level of evidence of objective informed and logical approach to report.
- The depth of evaluation/explanation and balance between an analytical and descriptive approach. Note:
- be focused and to the point in your description. Ensure emphasis on explanation/analysis!;
- provide Table of Contents;
- plus Introduction;
- plus Conclusion (for example: summarize what you expected and what you experienced).
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