Assignment Purpose:
Corporate reputation is a very important measure for organizations. It is the collective representation of what their stakeholders think about them. It can be positive or negative.
BUS407 – Corporate Communication
Corporate Reputation Assignment Guidelines
- We have learned about corporate reputation on chapter 5 of our textbook, and other places.
- Please go to the Reputation Institute’s website and look for the “World’s Most Reputable Companies – Global RepTrack 100.” A direct link is here.
- From that page, you can watch the on-demand broadcast video (need to register). This video talks about the details of how this annual reputation ranking was made. You can also find out the same information by downloading and reading the Global RepTrak study report (also available on the page as a pdf).
- Please look at the current year’s top 100 companies from the report. Who ranks number 1 and who is number 100?
- Armed with this knowledge, please download and read this journal article: Feldman, Bahamonde, & Bellido (2014) New Approach for Measuring Corporate Reputation, specifically the list of eight questions on page 60. These questions can be asked to help determine if an organization has a positive corporate reputation or not. A direct link to download this article is here.
- Choose any corporation from the RepTrak 100 and design your own research project on measuring its reputation. Specifically, focus on the reputation from an Emirati perspective. You must use more than one method of collecting your data. These methods can include, interviews, focus group discussions, surveys, and gathering data from secondary sources. You may work with one, two or three other students at this stage.
- For surveys, each student needs to collect at least 20 responses.
- Please make sure your professor knows who you are working with and on which company. Share that information on the Google spreadsheet given to you. If you work with others, you all can access/use the same collected data. But the analysis of that data has to be independent. Any questionable similarity would be penalized severely.
- Prepare a five-minute individual presentation in which you report the findings of your study.
- Please make sure your last slide has your references and the names of the students you collaborated with, and who did what (if relevant).
Corporate Reputation Presentation Rubric
- Introduction
- Hook/attention-getter (say or do something to capture people’s attention)
- What is corporate communication?
- Thesis statement – a quick overview of what you will do in the presentation
- Transition to the body
- Body
- Literature review: what has been done on this topic before?
- Methodology: What did you do to collect your data? Why did you choose these two ways?
- Findings and Discussion: What have you found? Provide evidence.
- Conclusions: Recommendations for your corporation; Your contribution to the research process;
- The presentation slides need to look professional
- Follow the 6×6 guideline for a PowerPoint slide (max 6 bullets x 6 words/bullet)
- Think about the background color and the foreground color combination
- Remember our mantra: it is all about the presentation
- All standard presentation techniques you know apply
- If anyone is seen reading everything, you will be asked to sit down
- You MAY NOT have any notecards/paper with you when you present.
NOTE! AEssay professional writers have already completed this assignment AND presentation. We are ready to help You with it.