Devil In A Blue Dress Essay Overview
Your Devil In A Blue Dress Essay should be a 4-5 pages paper.
Required reading: Mosley, Walter. Devil in a Blue Dress. New York: Washington Square Press, 2002
In order to write this assignment you should choose from one of the following prompts.
Devil In A Blue Dress Essay Prompts
- Outlaw versus Order
Robert B. Ray argues that the thematic paradigm underlying American films is the dichotomy between the outlaw hero and the official hero. Though Ray is specifically talking about movies, apply Ray’s model to Devil in a Blue Dress. In what ways does the novel fit into Ray’s assertions? In what ways does it not? What effect, if any, does race have on the paradigm?
- A Novel about Race
Devil in a Blue Dress is a novel clearly constructed around notions of race. Discuss the representations of race found in the novel. Use the following questions to help you find a focus for you to discuss specifically in your Devil in a Blue Dress Essay.
- Could these representations be considered racist or stereotypical? Is there any way in which the author attempts to avoid these accusations?
- Michael Omi claims that “concepts of race and racial images are both overt and implicit within popular culture.” How does this novel fit into the theoretical model described by Omi? Does it support Omi’s argument? Does it fit into it? Or does it offer a different view towards the same topic?
- As you develop your paper, be sure to consider all the characters within this viewpoint, not just focusing on the black characters.
Devil In A Blue Dress Essay Guidelines
- Use MLA Format and a clear Works Cited page with the correct citation format. The only sources required are the novel and either the Ray or Omi article.
- Include the following elements in your essay:
- Be sure to provide a background and context for your discussion. This means using the relevant articles as sources for your essay. This is similar to providing the theoretical background from the last essay.
- Numerous close readings of specific passages and examples from the novel. In order for you to argue convincingly for your thesis, you must be able discuss the specific ways in which the novel does what you claim it does. While readings of plot are important, details of description and dialogue, ways in which the author establishes tone and themes of interest, and so on are all essential fodder for successful analysis.
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