When you order a paper, you most likely want to get A-essay. While ordering a paper from a custom writing company, it is important to synchronize student’s expectations with the implementer’s opportunities. Certainly, a professional and experienced writer is able to write an essay for any grade required, including “A” and “A+”. However, in order to be able to do this the writer has to have all necessary information, including the following:
- Correct title or detailed instructions from professor about the expected essay title;
- Detailed instructions from professor about the essay content, structure, argumentation, minimum number of quotes and references, etc. It is very much recommended to scan and send the original handout from the course;
- Clear statement about the minimum number of sources required and the citation style. The option “Any” is often not a good choice for a student who wants to receive an A-essay;
- Clear statement whether title page, outline and/or attachments are required;
- Major textbook for the course to refer to (please send the scanned copies of the corresponding chapter if the textbook is not available online);
- Scanned course materials (it is very much recommended to send all the related handouts / summary of the related classes/lectures so that the essay to be prepared could be based on the material given during the course);
- Correct academic level to use proper language and level of thought / self-expression complexity;
- Correct ESL option in order to adjust the language level properly (sometimes a couple of mistakes are really necessary to make the essay look “naturally” for the student’s level);
- Correct deadline (late papers will hardly receive an “A”).
AEssay Team will be glad to help you with your papers and to provide you with qualified academic advice. However, the above requirements are really necessary for us to understand your professor’s expectations to the full to be able to fulfill them properly.
Source: AEssay Team
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