The Source for your Marxism Essay is: Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, The Communist Manifesto with Related Documents. Edited with an introduction by John E. Toews.
Do not cite sources other than from this edition of this book. This is not a research project.
The purpose of this assignment is to read and interpret historical documents. Your goal is to understand these sources in the context of their own times and explain how they illuminate a particular historical era. Rather than relying on an historian to tell you what is important about Marx’s oeuvre, you will read portions of it for yourself and make your own conclusions about Marx’s ideas. You are to be the authority on the meaning of the past.
- What are the origins of the Enlightenment?
- What are the qualities of the Enlightenment?
- What were some of the major changes made by the Enlightenment?
- What problems resulted from the Enlightenment?
Industrial Revolution
- What characterized the two phases of the industrial revolution (what were the markets like, rural vs. urban, the workforce, the role of entrepreneurs…)
Thesis Statement
- This is your central organizing statement for the essay.
- This goes right up front in your intro. This isn’t an English paper, so don’t make the reader guess or be surprised about what the point of your essay is.
- Your thesis statement is your central claim or argument for the essay. The body of your essay will be organized around proving this claim to be true.
- Stick to the basics and be up front with your ideas – you aren’t being graded on artistry, and keeping the reader guessing about what your point is will result in a bad grade
- What goes in your intro?
- Brief context – What are these documents? Why are they important?
- Thesis – This should answer the prompt and set up the rest of your paper
- Structure the paper around your argument
- What are the points you need to make in order to prove your thesis?
- What sub-points do you need to make to support your major points?
- What evidence supports your claims?
- Try thinking about the major points you need to make in order to answer the prompt/support your thesis, and build out from there
- It’s like showing your math – how are you arriving at your conclusions?
- Anything that did not spring from your own brain needs to be cited.
- This includes secondary information and paraphrasing. Do not cite only direct quotes.
- Citable material includes:
- Direct quotes
- Paraphrasing
- Background information
- Your original interpretation of quotes, paraphrasing, and background info does NOT need to be cited, because it is your intellectual property/contribution
- Not citing information is plagiarism. Plagiarism results in failure of the course and possible academic inquiries.
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