In general, your task for this individual HRM report is to interview someone who has experienced a case of workplace conflict in the UAE. The conflict can be of any type (major or minor conflict) between one employee and her/his employer, one employee and his/her colleagues, or between a group of employees and their employer, etc. Therefore, the choice is yours. However, please be sure to discuss your topic with the instructor before you start work on your report. Your individual HRM report should include the sections mentioned below.
A brief summary of what your report will focus on.
The Conflict
Fully explain the problem, the people involved, and the conflict that the person(s) experienced. Explain the context.
The Interview
A verbatim transcription of the interview (questions and responses). Thus, you are required to tape-record the interview and to transcribe it word by word. Generally, please make use of open-ended questions to allow the interviewee to describe all important aspects of the workplace conflict that he/she experienced. NOTE: you are NOT required to disclose the name of the person(s) and the company involved in the case of workplace conflict. Please provide only a pseudonym for the person and only a general non-easily identifiable description of the company.
Generally, in this section you should provide a detailed and critical analysis of the conflict, using the information/theories presented in the textbook for HRM 456. Although not strictly required, you may also search for additional information presented in academic journal articles, websites, newspapers which are relevant to the conflict you have chosen to focus on. Some of the things you should address in this section of your report are:
- the root causes of the conflict in your case-study and the ways in which the context is contributing to this
- the symptoms of the conflict
- the outcomes of the conflict
- issues of trust and fairness
- an analysis of relative power levels and how this helps to explain the conflict
In this section, you are required to provide some recommendations. However, these recommendations must flow directly from and be informed by your analysis work. What could the parties do to resolve the conflict and prevent it from happening again?
You must clearly identify all the sources you used to research your chosen conflict and provide a full list of these at the end of your report. Therefore, this will include textbooks, academic articles, websites, newspapers, etc.
Individual HRM Report – General Information
Overall, the paper should be 1-inch margins, Double-space, Times New Roman, 12-point font.
Word count: approximately 1,500 words (main text excluding references).
Source: AEssay Team (based on customers’ requests)
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