Assignment Type: PSWN Report
Course: EDC 324 People with Special Needs
PWSN Report Options:
Option A
- Intellectual disability (Down’s syndrome, PKU)
- Emotional and behaviors disorder (eating disorder, depression, OCD, bullying)
- Physical and health disabilities (CP, Spina Bifida, Epilepsy)
- Autism spectrum disorder
- Learning disability (dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia)
- Hearing impairment
- Visual impairment
- Speech and language disorders
- Gifted and talented
Option B
- International organizations supporting SEN
Option C
- Special needs from an Islamic perspective
PWSN Report Guidelines:
- Based on the Option you have chosen (A, B or C), identify the main sections of the PWSN Report you will need to include in your paper. Add ideas about what kind of content you may include for each section.
- You must choose at least three resources (articles/ book chapters) to research the topic.
How should you decide which sources are the most useful? Brainstorm what criteria you will use to decide on the best sources, e.g.: the source is up-to-date (we usually prefer to use sources produced more recently).
- Work in groups. Have a look at the results from the ZU Library Search for one of the topics. Identify three sources that you think will be useful and relevant for an assignment on this topic.
- Have a look at this text from the book “Essentials of ADHD Assessment for Children and Adolescents” by Sparrow and Drew. You can paraphrase by following these five steps:
- Identifying the main noun phrases and finding synonyms if possible
- Identifying the meaning of dependent/time clauses
- Breaking the two sentences into three or four shorter sentences
- Changing the order of information in the sentences
- Combining the sentences into a paraphrase
For example:
Over recent decades, a neuroscience perspective has been applied to examining difficulties with motivation, response to reinforcement, inhibition, and executive functions, as possible core problems underlying ADHD. The labels used to describe the disorder now known as ADHD, both within and outside official classification systems for mental disorders, have changed frequently over the years.
a) a neuroscience perspective = the viewpoint/approach of neuroscientists
examining difficulties = analyzing/understanding problems
possible core problems underlying ADHD = the probable causes of ADHD
The labels used to describe the disorder = the descriptions or names for ADHD
b) Over recent decades = in the last 20-30 years
Both within and outside official classification systems for mental disorders = in formal and informal ways of categorizing
c) A neuroscientist’s approach has been used to understand problems with motivation, response to reinforcement etc.
This approach has been used in the last 20-30 years.
The descriptions or names for ADHD have changed a lot over the years.
There are formal and informal ways of categorizing ADHD.
d) There are formal and informal ways of categorizing ADHD.
The descriptions or names for ADHD have changed a lot over the years.
A neuroscientist’s approach has been used to understand problems with motivation, response to reinforcement etc.
This approach has been used in the last 20-30 years.
e) The formal and informal ways of categorizing and describing ADHD have changed a lot over the years, but a neuroscientist’s approach has been used to understand problems with areas such as motivation and response to reinforcement in the last 20-30 years.
Now do the same with another excerpt from the book:
The use of stimulant medications with behaviorally disordered youth can be traced back more than 75 years, when the physician Charles Bradley reported that Benzedrine resulted in notable behavioral and academic improvements in a hospitalized group of children with ADHD.
- Useful language for the different section headings:
- Defining the SEN:
The most common definition for ______ is _______ .
_____________________ can be defined as _______________ .
Most authors define _______ as ____________ .
___________________ is a condition in which the individual ____________ .
- Describing characteristics:
The main characteristic of ________ is _________ .
There are a number of characteristics of _______________, such as: _________ .
People with ________ generally display a range of characteristics including _________, ___________, and ____________.
- Explaining causes and/or factors leading to the type of special needs:
There is some debate as to the cause of ______________.
Many experts believe that ___________________ are possible causes of _____________ .
_________ is caused by a number of factors. One of the most common causes of ____________________ is __________________ .
The primary cause of ________ is ________ .
- Preventing the disability:
________ can be prevented by ________ .
There are ____ main ways to prevent ______.
First, people should _______.
Second, they need to ________. Third, it is important to always _________ (etc.)
- Assessing the disability:
Assessing _______ can be a difficult process, which requires a number of steps. First, parents should _______
As with many disorders, the severity or extent of _______ can vary greatly.
As a result, it is very important to have a full assessment carried out by a health professional
- Describing possible interventions:
There are a number of ways to support people who ______
In recent years, many new intervention techniques have been recommended for people with _______
- Look up some information about the Special Need you have selected and then write a few sentences using the language above.
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